Page 15, Savitri (A Legend, Symbol, the Mantric Epic of Sri Aurobindo):
All in her pointed to a nobler kind.
Near to earth’s wideness, intimate with heaven,
Exalted and swift her young large-visioned spirit
Voyaging through worlds of splendour and of calm
Overflew the ways of Thought to unborn things.
Ardent was her self-poised unstumbling will;
Her mind, a sea of white sincerity,
Passionate in flow, had not one turbid wave.
- (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 5)
Earlier lines described the forest. Now Sri Aurobindo portrays Savitri saying: All in Savitri is pointing towards a nobler race (what he calls the supramental race). Her spirit is near to the vastness of the earth yet at the same time extremely close to heaven. It is lofty and broad-visioned with youthful energy. Swiftly flying through the higher worlds above the mind it left the mental thoughts and arguments far below unborn. Her fiery unwavering will is always sure-footed and synthesized. Her mind is highly pure, passionately flowing without the ugliness or darkness that comes up from a mortal's depths.
As in a mystic and dynamic dance
A priestess of immaculate ecstasies
Inspired and ruled from Truth’s revealing vault
Moves in some prophet cavern of the gods,
A heart of silence in the hands of joy
Inhabited with rich creative beats
A body like a parable of dawn
That seemed a niche for veiled divinity
Or golden temple door to things beyond.
- (Book 1 Canto 2 Painting No. 6)
Now Sri Aurobindo is portraying Savitri almost like the Greek Oracle of Delphi. He says: She is a priestess of spotless bliss in a dynamically mystic dance. She receives her inspirations and is governed by Truth alone. She is receiving divine revelations in the cave of her godly heart. A silent joyful heart with rich and creative beats in the body expressing the Dawn of a new light to come. Her body is like a cavity of hidden divinity and like a golden temple door opening into a divine future.
A theosophical synthesis: The race to which Savitri is pointing is the sixth race of theosophy. The Spirit of Savitir Sri Aurobindo describes are simply those features of a monad or atma we find in theosophy or that "Father in Heaven", that pure spiritual essence on the highest plane. She is already one with her Monad and is already an agni yogi with fiery will that can synthesize and harmonize all the separative tendencies of lower concrete mind. Bailey says that after the fourth initiation man's contact with the devas is more complete. He is rapidly exhausting the resources of the Hall of Wisdom, and is mastering the most intricate plans and charts. He becomes adept in the significance of colour and sound, can wield the law in the three worlds, and can contact his Monad with more freedom than the majority of the human race can contact their Souls. Man finally unites with the Monad at the fifth initiation. Savitri seems to be a fifth level initiate where the seventh principle at the Heart of the Lotus stands revealed. The greatest Savitri to come in our age in the future we are told in theosophy will be the World Teacher/Christ/Maitreya/Kalki-Avatar a synthesizer of all the rays and the teacher of masters themselves.
Image: A few recent Savitris' bringing Divine Word for those attuned to Maitreya Consciousness (H.P. Blavatsky), Christ Consciousness (Alice Bailey), Krishna Consciousness (Mira Alfassa) pointing the way towards a new world wisdom religion of synthesis.
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