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Will the Christ Intervene ? Some hints from Djwal Khul

 Previous post symbolically hinted at Savitri being a Saviour. Yet in these times can one expect Christ to intervene on behalf of humanity slumbering in soulless materialism ? From "The book Externalization of Hierarchy" we summarize some paragraphs:

"DK hints (and briefly explains) at the following forms of divine intervention (and their combination) and conditions of their fulfillment: 

1. Divine embodiments.

2. Natural cataclysms.

3. Evocation of slumbering Entities.

4. Emergence of inspired leadership.

A: To the casual thinker and the untrained occult student, it might appear that - given an almighty Deity and planetary Logos - He could with little trouble and much usefulness and compassion intervene in this sad world-situation and bring to an end the warring of the nations through the medium of some spectacular happening, some dramatic cataclysm of natural process or some supreme appearing which would work much good. It might, it could be argued, conclusively convince the attacking, aggressive groups that their day is ended and that their efforts had better be drawn to an immediate finish. Would that it were so relatively simple a matter, brother of mine, but the laws of nature, the free will of humanity itself and the inevitability of karma combine to prevent an intervention in just these terms. This does not mean that some form of intervention may not be possible but it must conform to law; it must not interfere with humanity's right to handle its own affairs and it must be timed in such a way that the best and maximum results can be attained. I would like first of all to touch upon the three points, which I have made above – natural law, free will and karma. In so doing, I may succeed in clearing up some of the confused thinking of many of the students.

B: ... It is, therefore, the free will and the will-to-good of Humanity, which must actively end the present conflict. One of these, the first, concerns man's responsibility to man; the other, rightly understood, concerns the right relationship of man to divine purpose, his right orientation to the divine good will and his correct participation in its expression. Where these conditions exist, there can be drawn forth an act of divine intervention.

C: ... Prejudice, the misinterpretation of presented facts, false and over-emphasised idealism, racial and nationalistic thought-forms and the withdrawing of responsibility are hindering the expression of free will in less damaged parts of the world. Moral unpreparedness and the refusal to relinquish the many and differing misinterpretations of truth or of Christ’s teachings are hindering many people today. Release for humanity will come when the so-called good people of the world give up their pet theories and their beloved ideals and grasp the essential fact that entry into the Kingdom of Heaven and into the new age will take place when mankind is truly loved and selflessly served, and when the true, divine purpose is seen and humanity is found to be one indivisible whole. Then petty nationalisms, religious differences and selfish idealisms (for that is what they often are my brother, because most people are idealists because they seek to save their own souls) are subordinated to human need, human good and the future happiness of the whole. The simplification of the attitude of men is the crying need at this time. Ideologies must go; old ideals must be relinquished; petty political, religious and social schemes must be discarded and the one driving purpose and the one outstanding determination must be the release of humanity from the imposition of fear, from enforced slavery and the re-instatement of men in freedom and with due opportunity to express themselves through right human relations. This is not as yet possible ... !

D: ... As to Karma, my brother, what man has made he can unmake - - - This is oft forgotten - - - Karma not a hard and fast rule. It is changeable, according to man's attitude and desire. It is the presenting of the opportunity to change; this grows out of past activities and these rightly met and correctly handled lay the foundation for future happiness and progress. The present situation is the fault of all peoples in all countries (particularly the more intelligent) and includes also the great neutrals if the Law of Rebirth and of joint responsibility means anything at all. Karma is not all that, which is bad and evil. Men make it so through their stupidities.

E: ... It is because of the delay in right understanding and the slowness of many to appreciate the true situation that Those, Who guide the race and work on the spiritual side of life have been unable to do much up to date except spiritually strengthen the hands of the workers with the Forces of Light. The faith of many has kept the door ajar, yet even those have forgotten frequently that "faith without works is dead." It is only when faith finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice (even unto death) that the door can be forced wide open and divine intervention becomes possible. It is only when the vision and dreams of peace - which beguiles so many well-meaning people - gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.

F: ... Given, therefore, an eventual fusing of vision and physical plane activity (the major need at this time) what form is it possible for the hoped-for divine intervention to take? I make no prophecies, brother of mine. All that I seek to show is that the blocking or hindrance is to be found today on the side of humanity. It does not lie on the side of the forces of light, life and love; it is not to be found on the side of Christ and His disciples or of the Masters of the Wisdom, as these (under diverse names) constitute the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet.

G: ...Which of the two methods - divine embodiment and natural cataclysm - will be employed will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding. If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal" might be unavoidable."

The Tibetan pleads: Please give us your aid, my brothers.

Yet are the disciples truly aiding ? Do right human relations govern the disciples in embodiment today ? That question can only answered by themselves in the depth of their own soul consciousness.


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