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The inner Ashram of Djwal Khul

 Some intuitive hints on the Yoga of Synthesis practiced as Brotherhood - leading to Right Human Relations. The work of the inner ashram (on Ray 2B Wisdom aspect) of our beloved Teacher Djwal Khul (DK); briefly summarized from the Applicants at the Portal document of Marian Walter as released by Duane Carpenter of Morya Federation. 

A. Five Specialized Energies and their roles in the laying the foundations and bringing forth New Aquarian civilization and culture based on Synthesis.

1. The Energy of Love-Wisdom – transmitted by the Master KootHoomi and His Ashram.

2. The Energy of Will or Power – transmitted by the Master Morya and His Ashram.

3. The Energy of Active Intelligence – transmitted by the English Master who works under the direction of Master R (Saint Germain) in His office as Mahachohan.

4. The Energy, which produces Order – transmitted by the Master R and assisted by the 3rd , 5th and 7th ray Masters and Their Ashrams.

5. The Energy of Right Human Relations – transmitted by DK and His Ashram.

B. The distinguishing quality of highly awakened true disciples is their ability to respond intuitionally to higher impression and to present the mind (with which humanity was endowed in an earlier process) to the light of the intuition and hence achieve illumination. This intuition is a blend of the two divine qualities of buddhi-manas or intuitive spiritual understanding (involving interpretation and identification) and the higher abstract mind, which is essentially the power to comprehend that, which is not concrete or tangible but which is, in reality, an innate recognition of the lower aspects of the divine Plan for man. This quality of the energy is described in current esoteric literature as love-wisdom (the heart-nature and the higher mind) and this is descriptive of the future groups. 

C. It is NOT love, however, as usually understood or wisdom as men generally defines it. “The love is free of emotion and of the astralism, which is distinctive of the solar plexus life, which most people live. Love, esoterically and in reality, is perceptive understanding, the ability to recognise that, which has produced an existing situation and a consequent freedom from criticism. It involves that beneficent silence, which carries healing in its wings and which is only expressive when the inhibition-aspect of silence is absent and the man no longer has to still his lower nature and quiet the voices of his own ideas in order to understand and achieve identification with that, which MUST be loved.

D. Further, Wisdom is the sublimation of the intellect but this involves the sublimation of the higher, as well as of the lower aspects of the mind. It is a blend of intuition, spiritual perception, cooperation with the Plan and spontaneous intellectual appreciation of that, which is contacted and all this is fused and blended with and by love, which I have defined above, plus that esoteric sense, which must be unfolded before the second initiation can be taken.

E. That aspect of synthesis which Djwal Khul (DK) calls "Right Human Relations" is the one handled/transmitted by his ashram (on the Ray 2B which is the Wisdom energy of Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom).

F. As such, this energy is not only related to the 2nd ray, but also to the 1st , 3rd , and 7th ray energies, which provide the natural (or the occult) line of descent (in contrast to the 2nd , 4th and 6th (or the mystic) line of descent) along which the great dynamic energy of the Will-to-Good may be channelled. 

G. In an unpublished letter, Djwal states that the future (and that applies to all of us as I write today) of the outer agencies with which His work is associated, depends upon their ability to rightly receive and skilfully handle the energy of the Will-to-Good (second aspect of the Ray 1 in contrast to the first aspect being Will-to-Power).

H. Djwal Khul’s overall ashramic task for this cycle is to lay the foundations for this gradual externalisation and,

therefore, His Ashram will spearhead the way into this externalisation. Ashram of DK is largely concerned with establishing the foundations for the new civilisation and culture of the Aquarian Age. This is the great preparatory work, which must be done before the externalisation of the ashrams can take place on any significant scale and which necessarily precedes the Reappearance of the Christ. An ashram cannot be externalised unless its members, who are functioning together on the physical plane, are fully expressing these Hierarchical community Laws and Principles in their own group-life and service.

Image: Photo frame of the Ninth Panchen Lama hanging on the wall of Alice Bailey's apartments in New York taken from a post in BBR group and his photo taken in 1934 ! Discussions on BBR group proved inconclusive if he was indeed the DK. Yet interestingly the fact of a photo of a lama on the wall of a room of that lady who herself downplayed devotion calling it foolish speaks a lot in a paradox ! 


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